Tuesday 26 April 2011

Evaluation-How did you use new media technologies in the construction research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the process of the project I have used a wide rang of new media technologies. One of the first technologies I used was the Internet. I started to use the Internet from the research stage of the project where i was searching and looking at existing products which were similar o the proposed products i would be creating. To search these i used a variety of search engines, with the main one being google and then finding the correct hyperlink or image which corresponded with my research. These were Google, Yahoo and Bing. Possibly the three main search engines on the world wide web. I decided to use more than one so that i was able to widen my research and look into more depth. I also carried out research into the music videos themselves and the main streamer i used for them was YouTube. I chose YouTube because its the biggest video flash player streamer on the web at the moment. 

Despite looking at video for research reasons, I also looked at the for ideas and inspiration through the use of iconography and conventions. Also any other ideas involving shots and angle types. My team mate created a Facebook web page so that we could all access a social networking site and be able to reach out to our target audience. The Facebook page was also used for us as a group to communicate and also upload any items which we had been working on. 

The main software I used was Adobe Photoshop. The main purpose for this software was to enable the user to create an image and add different effects and also edit any element of the image. I had originally used this software in the past, so learning key skills on the product wasn't applicable, so i could get straight on with doing the task. The brush effect which was used throughout every ancillary product was created in Photoshop and it also kept the products consistent. 

Other software I used was Adobe Premiere Pro. I used this software firstly in editing the music video. Before creating the video I had no experience with the software, which resulted in me spending some time getting to know the system and how it operates. I also used Premiere Pro to create and edit the outakes video for the website.

I also used Blogger.com throughout the whole process from start to finish to keep a diary/log book of what i had done and what progress was made between each task. This process allowed me to add text, sound, video and images to each blog to support my written materials. With pictures supporting this, we also used camera video shooting equipment which assisted us on creating and filming each part of the video. 

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