Wednesday 23 March 2011

Development: Editing The Video

We are now running up to the last few days of final editing. The editing process should be changing minor details and making it looks as professional as possible. The attractiveness of the video needs to be outstanding, so in order to conquer this we started watching them on higher definition screens so that we can pick out any other elements which we thought needed chaining or editing a bit more. We showed our peers and other groups our video today and held feedback from them, or in other terms constructive criticism. We took on board every aspect which was addressed during the viewings and noted them down so that next time we come to editing, probably tomorrow, we shall make those changes to suit these needs. Also in order to get the best feedback out of the first cut, we decided to show not only our class, but another non-media based audience and who better to show this to than our Target audience. We Target a wide range of audience to see and make clear who our target audience were and held feedback from them to. Feedback will be noted down in the next blog to come.

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