Tuesday 22 March 2011

Development: Final Rough Edit

Our music video has just gone through the stages of its final rough edit. We spent a few hours looking through the video and making notes on what we thought cold be better or could change. We then gathered the notes, went through again and changed them and made the final rough edit of the video. We found that our main problem was transaction between the live band shots and the narrative shots. They didn't have the best transition and didn't look as attractive as they could have been. We tried a few different transactions such as gradient dissolve, which worked at first but we had to incorporate this style into a number of shots throughout the video to keep it consistent. Our plan was to incorporate a different transition apart from cross-dissolve because it had been used before, but we ended up adding some more because of it looking consistent throughout and having the greater impact on the video. The deadline for the video is the end of this week and throughout the week we will keep looking over the video as well as the marking criteria and see whether it fits the specifications and needs and see whether we can change the video to fit these needs.

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