Tuesday 15 March 2011

Development: Filming

Here is a photo of me filming Matt drumming at London. This was our last planned day of filming our band shots. I chose to film this shot because of my ideas on angles for the footage

1 comment:

  1. Alex
    you need to add considerably more detail to your blog. at present it is a basic account of your progression through the project. Start by uploading your pitch video and presentation then you must add more detail in terms of research undertaken into similar products,detailed research and drafting for ancillary products as well as work on storyboarding and production scheduling. This is work that has been done but must be evidenced on your blog.
    In addition you need to start evaluating your work, see the Trinity blog to check the key evaluation questions.
    40 marks available here, make sure you get as many as you can!
    Mr. White
