Thursday 17 March 2011

Planning: Pitch

This is our group 'pitch' video. The video contains a presentation of us demonstrating our ideas and concepts we wish to introduce to our project. Our main aim was to carry out research into the band and other similar bands within that genre of music (pop rock). With results found of this, we made a mood board with images of these bands. Also inserted into the mood board was location shot ideas; ideas where we wished to shoot our video. These ideas were then put to paper and made official. We also discussed our ideas for ancillary products and which tasks where going to be set to whom. A time-line was also added to this presentation to give us an idea of how/when we will be doing each element, e.g. filming, photo's, casting, ancillary products, and so on. This time line was estimated before the due-date so therefore if any problems occurred we had time to deal with the problems.

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